International Social Sciences and Humanities Academy Congress
November 23-24, 2024 TURKIYE

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the International Social Sciences and Humanities Academy Congress, on Nov 23-24, 2024, organized and hosted by SAKA. The Congress theme for this year is “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation”.
The congress will bring together many distinguished researchers, academics, and professionals from all over the world. Manuscripts in all areas of social sciences such as Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy, Social Policy, Disadvantaged Groups, Climate Change, Sustainability, Energy, Environmental Management, Urban Policy, Political Geography, Industrial Relations, Political History, Political Science, International Relations, Cyber Security, Organizational Behavior, Financial Management, Marketing, Production Management, Cultural Heritage, Disaster Management, Urban Management, Local Authorities, Law, Education Management, Technology Management, Data Management, Tourism Management, Geographical Indications, Civil Society, Immigration Policy, Management Information Systems, Public Administration, Business Management, Health Policy are welcome.
Participants will find opportunities to present new research, exchange information, and discuss current issues.
Turkish and English papers are welcome.
Papers presented at the congress will be published in the electronic congress book. In addition, according to the author’s request and the suitability of the work; the publication will be directed to one of the following channels:
• Journal indexed in TRDizin
• International peer-reviewed journal published for at least 5 years
• Chapter in the book with international status
Please review the submission template before submissions. Please contact via e-mail for submissions and all queries. For registration process visit submission page.
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Manuscripts in all areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, management, logistics, e-commerce, HRM, and related papers on social sciences are welcome.